Honors and Awards
1. Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award, San Diego Section of American Society of Civil Engineers, 1995
2. Best Faculty Advisor in Zone IV from the American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE national award, 1995
3. Recipient of the Mortar Board Award for Outstanding Faculty, 1996
4. Recipient of the SDSU Outstanding Academic Advisor Award, 1998
5. Recipient of the SDSU Top 25 Award, 1999
6. Recognition plaque from “Seminario Internacional Provial Baja California 2000”, Mexicali, Mexico, March 2000
7. Certificate of Commendation for Outstanding Faculty Advisor of the Student Chapter of ASCE from ASCE National Headquarters, 2000
8. SDSU Alumni Award for Outstanding Faculty Contributions, (Monty Award), 2001
9. Certificate of Commendation for Outstanding Faculty Advisor of the Student Chapter of ASCE from ASCE National Headquarters, 2001
10. Recipient of the Medal of Merit (Officer Cross) [Krzyz Oficerski Orderu Zaslugi] from the President of Poland, Aleksander Kwasniewski, 2002
11. Certificate of Commendation for Outstanding Advisor of the Student Chapter of ASCE from ASCE National Headquarters, 2002
12. Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award, San Diego Section of ASCE, 2009
13. Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award in Region 9, ASCE national award, 2010
2010 May COE Faculty Honored with Awards | SDSUhttps://newscenter.sdsu.edu/.../2010_may_coe_faculty_honored_with...
14. Most Influential Faculty Award, SDSU Award, 2011
2011 March-April-May - Commencement | SDSUhttps://newscenter.sdsu.edu/.../2011_march-april-may-commencemen...
15. Certificate of Commendation for Outstanding Faculty Advisor of the Student Chapter of ASCE from ASCE National Headquarters, 2013
16. 2014 Outstanding Engineering Educator in San Diego County, San Diego County Council of Engineering Societies, 2014
http://newscenter.sdsu.edu/sdsu_newscenter/news.aspx?s=74945https://www.google.com/search? es_sm=93&q=san+diego+county+outstanding+engineering+educator+supernak&oq=san+diego+county+outstanding+engineering+educator+supernak&gs_l=serp.3...21446.23573.0.24223.
17. Outstanding Faculty Advisor for the San Diego State University Student Chapter of ASCE from San Diego Section of ASCE, 2014
18. Outstanding Faculty Advisor for the Pacific South West Conference of ASCE from the SDSU Student Chapter of ASCE, 2014
19. Certificate of Commendation for Outstanding Faculty Advisor of the Student Chapter of ASCE from ASCE National Headquarters, 2014
2. Best Faculty Advisor in Zone IV from the American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE national award, 1995
3. Recipient of the Mortar Board Award for Outstanding Faculty, 1996
4. Recipient of the SDSU Outstanding Academic Advisor Award, 1998
5. Recipient of the SDSU Top 25 Award, 1999
6. Recognition plaque from “Seminario Internacional Provial Baja California 2000”, Mexicali, Mexico, March 2000
7. Certificate of Commendation for Outstanding Faculty Advisor of the Student Chapter of ASCE from ASCE National Headquarters, 2000
8. SDSU Alumni Award for Outstanding Faculty Contributions, (Monty Award), 2001
9. Certificate of Commendation for Outstanding Faculty Advisor of the Student Chapter of ASCE from ASCE National Headquarters, 2001
10. Recipient of the Medal of Merit (Officer Cross) [Krzyz Oficerski Orderu Zaslugi] from the President of Poland, Aleksander Kwasniewski, 2002
11. Certificate of Commendation for Outstanding Advisor of the Student Chapter of ASCE from ASCE National Headquarters, 2002
12. Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award, San Diego Section of ASCE, 2009
13. Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award in Region 9, ASCE national award, 2010
2010 May COE Faculty Honored with Awards | SDSUhttps://newscenter.sdsu.edu/.../2010_may_coe_faculty_honored_with...
14. Most Influential Faculty Award, SDSU Award, 2011
2011 March-April-May - Commencement | SDSUhttps://newscenter.sdsu.edu/.../2011_march-april-may-commencemen...
15. Certificate of Commendation for Outstanding Faculty Advisor of the Student Chapter of ASCE from ASCE National Headquarters, 2013
16. 2014 Outstanding Engineering Educator in San Diego County, San Diego County Council of Engineering Societies, 2014
http://newscenter.sdsu.edu/sdsu_newscenter/news.aspx?s=74945https://www.google.com/search? es_sm=93&q=san+diego+county+outstanding+engineering+educator+supernak&oq=san+diego+county+outstanding+engineering+educator+supernak&gs_l=serp.3...21446.23573.0.24223.
17. Outstanding Faculty Advisor for the San Diego State University Student Chapter of ASCE from San Diego Section of ASCE, 2014
18. Outstanding Faculty Advisor for the Pacific South West Conference of ASCE from the SDSU Student Chapter of ASCE, 2014
19. Certificate of Commendation for Outstanding Faculty Advisor of the Student Chapter of ASCE from ASCE National Headquarters, 2014